
What are the benefits of a kidney transplant?

There are many reasons why some people decide to have a kidney transplant. It is important to realise that a kidney transplant is not a cure for kidney disease, but that it is another form of treatment.
If you decide to go ahead with a kidney transplant there are a range of potential benefits, although we cannot guarantee this will be the case for you.

If your kidney transplant is successful you will

  • avoid the need for dialysis
  • improve your quality of life
  • improve your blood count and energy level
  • improve your bone strength, growth, and appetite, and
  • have fewer dietary restrictions.

If you have end stage kidney disease a kidney transplant is likely to prolong your life compared to staying on dialysis.

Recipient Information Booklet (Jul 2021)

Kidney Transplant a Treatment Option – Kidney Health Australia Factsheet (2023)

Living Kidney Donation – Kidney Health Australia Factsheet (2023)

Deciding to be a Living Kidney Donor – Kidney Health Australia Factsheet (2023)


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