Nursing Publications
Burns T and Tuner K. Kidney Transplantation for Australian renal nurses. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, 14, 3, pg95-104, Nov 2018.
Turner K, Burns T and Tranter S. An evaluation of the nursing care of renal transplant recipients: a qualitative study. Renal Society of Australasia Journal I Vol 14 I No. 1 I March 2018
Burns T, Fernandez, R., & Stephens, M. (2017). The experience of waiting for a kidney transplant: A qualitative study. J Ren Care, 43(4), 247-255.
Burns T, Tranter, S., & Raghunath, V. (2017). In-centre night dialysis program: A single-centre experience. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, 13(2), 58.
Hoffman A, Tranter S, Josland E, Brennan F, Brown M. Renal supportive care in conservatively managed patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: A qualitative study of the experiences of patients and their carers/families. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3, Nov 2017: 100-106
Martinez-Smith. Buttonhole Cannulation: Current Prospects and Challenges. Book review. Renal Society of Australasia Journal. 2016. Vol 12(2), pp72-73
Martinez-Smith. The impact of a dedicated Vascular Access Nurse on HDx Access Outcomes. Australian Vascular Access Society Journal
Tranter S, Josland E, Turner K. Nurses’ bereavement needs and attitudes towards patient death: a qualitative descriptive study of nurses in a dialysis unit. Journal of Renal Care 42(2), 101-106.
Burns T, Fernandez R & Stephens M. The experiences of adults who are on dialysis and waiting for a renal transplant from a deceased donor: a systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports. 2015: 13(2) 169-211.
Burns T& Fernandez R. Experiences of adults on dialysis and waiting for a renal transplant from a deceased donor: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports. 2014:12(7) 173-191
Tranter S, Cuesta AC & Ong S. Evaluation of a pre-peritoneal dialysis assessment and education programme. Renal Soc of Aust J, 2014:10(3), 112-115.
Turner K & Burns T. The role of a renal transplant recipient coordinator in a non-transplanting unit. Transplant J Aust. 2014:23(3), 7-9.
Josland, E. Quality of Life. What information is already available and what evidence is this based on? Nephrology,2013c: 18, 410-413.
Burns, T. Waiting for a kidney transplant in Australia. Transplant Journal of Australasia, 2013b: 23, 10-15
Cuesta, C., Blow, T. & Tranter, S. Epidermolysis bullosa:a rare challenge for peritoneal dialysis nurses. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, 2013:9, 41-44.
Tranter S., Anastasiou A., Bazzi H., Burgess H. & Josland E. The renal memorial service: an important component of renal supportive care. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, 2013:9, 80-84.
Other published material (Books, book chapters, reviews)
Burns, T. Book review: “Nutritional Management of Renal Disease”. Renal Society of Australasia Journal,2013: 9, 143.
Field, D. 2013. Book review: Understanding chronic kidney disease a guide for non-specialists. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, 9, 45.
Josland, E. Book review “Kidney disease: From advanced disease to bereavement” Second edition. The Renal Society of Australasia Journal,2013: 9, 142.
Josland E, Brennan F, Anastasiou A, Brown MA. Developing and sustaining a renal supportive care service for people with end stage kidney disease. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2012; 8(1): 12-18.
Moustakas J, Bennett P, Tranter S, Nicholson J. The needs of older people with advanced chronic kidney disease choosing supportive care: a review. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2012, 8(2) 70-75.
Westgarth F, Chiarella M. & Tranter S. The Haemodialysis Models of Care Program. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2012, 8(1) 24-31.
Tranter, S. Bubnij, S. Dunford, M. Graham, J. Holland, G. Josland, E. Millar, R. Paulik, O. Sargeant, C. & Tasker, N. (2009) A hospital wide nursing documentation project. ANJ. 17(5), pp 34-36.
Gregory, L, Millar, R, Tasker, N. & Tranter, S. (2008) Nurse led initiative to improve assessment and documentation. ANJ. 16(3) p19.
Tranter, S. (2008) Clinical Cases in Kidney Disease (book review). Ren Soc Aust Journal 4(2) 64.
Dobson S, Tranter S. (2008) Organising the work: choosing the most effective way to deliver nursing care in a hospital haemodialysis unit. Ren Soc Aust Journal 4(2) 59-63.
Tranter, S. Developing the model of care in a hospital haemodialysis Unit. Ren Soc Aust Journal 4(S1) S3.
Tranter, S. Martinez, Y. (2008) The buttonhole technique: some hurdles to conquer. Ren Soc Aust Journal 4(S1) S25.
Tranter S., Burns, T., Dobson, S., Graf, E., Ng, W & Martinez Y. (2007) Practice Development in the hospital haemodialysis unit: improving calcium and phosphate management. Ren Soc Aust Journal 3(2) 61-64.
Tranter, S. (2006) Supportive care for the renal patient. Ren. Soc. Aust Journal. 2(3) p72.
Tranter, S.A. (2006) From machine to patient: shifting the focus of care within a hospital haemodialysis unit. Nursing.Aust Journal. 7(1) pp18-19.
Tranter, S., Martinez, Y. & Rayment, G. (2006) A nurse initiated iron management protocol for patients on hospital haemodialysis. Ren. Soc. Aust Journal. 2(1) pp 30-32.
Tranter, S.A. (2005) From machine to patient: shifting the focus of care in a hospital haemodialysis unit. Dissertation for the award of Doctor in Nursing, University of Technology, Sydney.
Tranter, S., Martinez, Y. (2005). A nurse imitated iron management protocol for patients on hospital haemodialysis. Achievements in Nursing. Volume 7, St George Hospital Nursing and Midwifery Research Council pp 22-24.
Tranter S. Aiming for patient centred care. Australian Nursing Journal. 12(1) 33.
Tranter S.A. (2002) Ground – Breaker, Shelley Tranter in profile. Nursing Weekly. Oct 16th.
Gassib Spain, L., Stewart, A., Tranter S.A., Young J. (2002) Complementary Therapies and Nursing Practice. Sydney: SESAHS.
Tranter S.A. (2002) How accurate is that BP? An assessment of the reliability of BP measurements undertaken by nurses throughout St George Hospital. Achievements in Nursing. Volume 4, St George Hospital Nursing Research Council pp. 53-55.
Tranter S.A., Martinez Y. (2001) Debugging the system: Our renal unit’s experience with a decontamination protocol for tunnelled central venous catheters used for haemodialysis. Achievements in Nursing. Volume 3, St George Hospital Nursing Research Council. pp. 34-35.
Tranter S.A. (2000) Holistic Care: The introduction of complementary therapies into nursing practice. Achievements in Nursing. Volume 2, St George Hospital Nursing Research Council pp. 46-47.* Awarded best paper.
Tranter S.A. & Donoghue, J. (2000) Brushing has made a sweeping change: a study of the use of the endoluminal FAS brush for haemodialysis CVC management. Australian Critical Care. 13(1) pp 10-13.